The Magic Carpet Ride





Towards the end of last year there was a play. Jack and his class were the first performers in an auditorium full of parents whose (mainstream) children also participate in the Helen O Grady drama academy. A little girl with severe Cerebal Palsy, wheelchair-bound, opened the show to a deathly awkward silence from the audience. Things which are different are often scary, and that is a fact. But as each new beautiful child joined in and became part of the story you could see and feel everyone relax. The girl was lifted from her wheelchair and placed on the magic carpet, and so was transported to a different world. A world filled with beautiful butterflies, little girls with a variety of challenges, dressed and sparkling their own special light into the world. Then came Jack and his friends, the superheroes, who swooped proudly in to save the butterflies from danger.

Jack had one line, which he delivered with such gusto that it came out a great big shout. And, God, was he pleased with himself.

The audience stood to cheer the brave children, and we stood clapping and crying, with brother Alex cheering loudest of all. “Go Jack!”, he shouted proudly. It’s not always easy for Alex, and we are acutely aware of it. But he is amazing and their relationship is developing in it’s own beautiful way.

I saw a few things that day.

I saw a girl who is often invisible in this world transported to a place where she was not just seen but praised and celebrated.

I saw girls shine with a beauty which is perhaps often overlooked by the world, a chance for them to feel magnificent.

I saw boys feel strong, and powerful, like superheroes.

In a way, this experience of having a child with special needs has been our own magic carpet ride. We have been transported to a new world, a different world, that we knew so little about and that so few people are comfortable in. As we have become used to different, so we have come to find the beauty in it.

The Butterfly Centre plans are coming along nicely. The owner mentioned to me that he remembered the previous owner talking about a mural of sorts which had been covered up with wallpaper. He and his wife decided to have a look for it, peeled back the wallpaper and found this.



The butterflies have been there all along, patiently waiting until the time was right. And now it’s time to fly.

When I last checked a couple of days ago, our bank account balance was at R16724.00, (although this is amazing, and we haven’t even done anything yet and I’m so grateful and humbled and just finding the time to write the individual thank you letters) so we’ve still got a way to go. I have a couple more donations pledged already that must still come through.  There’s the Golf Day at Hermanus next Friday the 15th of May, all funds raised will go to the Butterfly Foundation. You can contact Bianca on 0820757477 to find out more, or if you have any prizes you would consider donating.

My sister Jacqui will be organising a fundraiser in Cape Town shortly, and my sisters-in-law are working the UK angle. Keep an eye out for further developments.

Please keep sharing the story. If you have a specific person or organisation you feel could assist, please leave your email address in the comments and I’ll email you some information to pass on.

I have no doubt that we will reach our target, and that the centre will be amazing…after all, I’m just following the signs. And they are everywhere.

Thank you, thank you, thank you from me. From our family. From Sam and everyone whose lives he has touched.

Thank you for taking this magic carpet ride with us.